[30 October 2000]

Elbox comments on AmigaONE 1200/4000

A few days ago, Amiga Inc. proposed the direction, in which the Amiga Classic computer line should evolve. 

This direction assumes the necessity of equipping Amiga Classic computers with PCI-standard slots, the G3 or G4 processor with fast SDRAM memory and a slot for the Next Generation MATROX graphic card. 

In order to fully use the new AmigaDE system, Amiga Classic must be fitted with several basic pieces of equipment.

The AmigaONE 1200 idea assumes connection of this hardware directly to the CPU expansion slot in Amiga 1200.

We are really glad to inform all the owners of Amiga Classic computers that this is exactly the way, for which Elbox was the pathfinder in their designing and marketing of the MEDIATOR PCI 1200 busboard.

The most important thing is the proper decision of following our path and connecting the new busboard to the CPU slot in Amiga 1200 -- not to local connectors in turbo cards. 
The latter would result in some limitations (see our previous announcement of 21 Sep 2000).

MEDIATOR PCI vs. AmigaONE 1200/4000  
The basic differences between AmigaONE 1200 and MEDIATOR PCI 
1200 are as follows:
AmigaONE 1200 MEDIATOR PCI 1200
connection to A1200 edge connector connection to A1200 edge connector
six PCI slots  four PCI slots
   No logic for supporting A1200 
68k & 68k/PPC turbo card
logic to connect A1200 motherboard logic to connect A1200 motherboard
   No five ZORRO II slots, one Video slot
(with MEDIATOR ZIV & ZIV busboard)
PowerPC G3/G4 processor 
(on Macintosh-type card)
PowerPC G3/G4 processor 
(on SharkPPC/SharkPPC+)
two SDRAM sockets for 
up to 512 MB memory
two SDRAM sockets for 
up to 1 GB memory
(on SharkPPC/SharkPPC+)
one AGP slot  one AGP slot (on SharkPPC+)
USB 1.0 & Fast Ethernet 
(on custom PCI card) 
USB 2.0 & Fast Ethernet 
(on SharkPPC+)

The basic shortcoming of the AmigaONE 1200 project is that its designers will not implement logic for AmigaONE 1200 working with 68k and 68k/PPC turbo cards. Such implementation would require expanding AmigaONE 1200 logic and, most of all, its designers having knowledge of the technical intricacies of the design of all the currently available turbo cards.

This means that AmigaONE 1200 in the Amiga Classic mode will provide calculation capacity of the 68020 14 MHz processor at the most.

MEDIATOR PCI 1200 has no such limitation. 

All types of Amiga turbo cards (in the Amiga Classic mode) can work at full speed in connection with cards installed in MEDIATOR PCI 1200 slots.

All the currently available Amiga software may be executed in the 68k (or PPC) processor of any Amiga turbo card. 

In new applications to be developed, both accelerators in MEDIATOR PCI 
(68k/PPC and SharkPPC) may enhance performance of each other just the 
same way as it is done in advanced multi-processor systems. This is  due to the fact that processors in both accelerators work fully simultaneously.

In both solutions (MEDIATOR PCI 1200 and AmigaONE 1200), irrespective of the Classic mode, running Amiga Classic programmes will also be 
possible in the emulation mode in PowerPC G3 and G4 processors.

The hardware compatibility from the side of G3/G4 processors in 
both solutions guarantees that the entire range of software written 
for the new AmigaDE operational system will work on MEDIATOR PCI.

MEDIATOR technology, unlike other technologies-to-be, is NOW available for you to have and enjoy.

Now something special for A4000 users:
As many of you already know, we are now in the final stage 
of work on the MEDIATOR PCI 4000 card. Here is the comparison 
of capacities offered by MEDIATOR PCI 4000 and AmigaONE 4000.

AmigaONE 4000 MEDIATOR PCI 4000
connection to A4000D CPU
connection to A4000D Expansion 
Bus Connector
six PCI slots  five PCI slots
    No  logic for supporting A4000 
68k & 68k/PPC turbo card
logic to connect A4000 
logic to connect A4000
    No seven ZORRO III/II slots 
& one Video slot
PowerPC G3/G4 processor
(on Macintosh-type card) 
PowerPC G3/G4 processor
(on SharkPPC/SharkPPC+)
two SDRAM sockets for
up to 512 MB memory 
two SDRAM sockets for 
up to 1 GB memory 
(on SharkPPC/SharkPPC+)
one AGP slot  one AGP slot (on SharkPPC+)
USB 1.0 & Fast Ethernet 
(on custom PCI card)
USB 2.0 & Fast Ethernet
(on SharkPPC+)

Please expect our further releases:
- Development progress of Voodoo3, Sound and TV PCI card drivers 
  for MEDIATOR PCI 1200.
- The MEDIATOR development line (A4000 and A3000).
- Full specification of the SharkPPC+ card: the ultimate performance
  card in the SharkPPC family.


Mariusz Siaczyklow
ELBOX COMPUTER, Press Department

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