Multimedia CD UP1.06
October 2001]
MM CD 1.06 update for registered users of the Mediator
Multimedia CD has been made available by ELBOX Computer.
The update includes the new TV card
driver version:
tv.library ver.1.3
TV ver.1.2
Additionally, the driver supports TV backdrop functionality.
See more at: http://www.elbox.com/news_01_10_16.html
Other driver updates in the MM CD UP1.06:
FastEthernet.device ver.1.1
MediatorNET.device ver.2.2
As the interest of programmers is really high, who would
like to prepare graphic interfaces working with our
TV drivers, we have decided to make available the appropriate
tv.library developer's documentation. The tv.library
documentation is enclosed in the Mediator Multimedia
CD UP1.06 in the DEV_TV drawer.
Mariusz Siaczyklow ELBOX COMPUTER, Press Department contact:
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